God Is

Seattle, September 19, 2005. (86)

ONE GOD. ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN. The God of the Bible is most unique, for there can only be One God. He has revealed Himself as a Triunity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 1 Tim. 2:5 Each of whom mat be identified separately, and shown to be diverse. Yet, beautifully blended together and fully complementing each other. Each being an entity and a part of the other. Blended together into a unity such as can be found no where else. Independent, but very much mutually dependent. Not the multiplicity of gods which are worshipped around the world. The Companion Bible, states that Deut. 6:4 in the Hebrew should read, “Hear, O Israel, Jehovah (the self and ever existing one, Our Elohim is one Jehovah.” D. L. Cooper calls, “Jehovah a unity.” To understand the Lord, Jehovah we must be able to see His oneness and His threeness. He is not who He is with just one of these aspects of His being, but with both. If we cannot see His unity and His diversity our understanding of Him will be lopsided. He is precisely everything that the Word makes Him to be. One God, three persons coequal in eternal existence. Ideal harmony with there never existing any thought of disagreement. A blending together that is beyond the ability of man to conceive. We only begin to comprehend His full nature and being as the Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts and minds and reveals Him to us. 

“COME AND SEE”, the mystery of the word Elohim. There are three degrees, and each degree is by itself alone, and yet they are all one, and joined together in one. They are not divided from each other.” Simon Ben Joachi. The LORD, Jehovah, “He is God, there is none else beside Him.” Deut. 4:35 The Lord is desirous of making Himself known in every aspect of His essence. A knowledge of Him brings an intimacy that is the result of having received a revelation of that eternal life that exists in Him. The true Christian will neither recognize nor worship Any other deity, for Jehovah is a jealous God. More than that, He is so concerned over a situation where He is provoked to jealousy, that He has declared one of His names to be Jealous. Ex. 34:14 He is looking for a people who love Him and follow Him only. Having eyes, hearts and a love singled on Him alone and none other. There is no other God. He is the LORD, Jehovah And there is none else. Isa. 45:5-6 Even He, as God, knows no other God in existence. Isa. 44:8 Moreover, He asked the question, “Is there a God beside me? Jehovah alone is God. 

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