God Is

Seattle, September 16, 2005. (85)

MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE. The Lord Jesus was not about to usurp the authority and position of His Father. His statement is a fact evidenced by the scriptures. The Greek word is “heis,” the first cardinal number. It also represents union and agreement. In the relationship between the Father and the Son there never [that never is eternal] existed the slightest division. John 10:30 Jesus prayed that His followers would be one, even as He and the Father were one. This illustrates that there can be several or a large number classified as one. John 17:11 Furthermore Jesus prayed that they “ALL” may be one. Having the same alliance that is found between the Father and the Son. Namely, that the Father was in Christ and Christ was in the Father. Now in His prayer, it is His desire that not only do His disciples have the same type of fellowship among themselves but that they be included in the Godlike unity and be one with the Father and the Son. He went even farther and related to the Father, that the glory of the Father, which He had given Jesus was now passed on to His followers. His anticipation was that they might come to possess the same unity that exists between the Father and Him. John 17:21-22 Before the end will come, there will be in this world the explicit answer to the prayer of the Lord Jesus. 

THE KEY FOR THE CHURCH. Paul, writing to the Philippians gives an excellent exhortation that is very needed today and will result in a church of strength and power. First, he urged then to ” stand fast in one spirit.” That would result in a body of believers among whom the Spirit of the Lord was working mightily. Christians of such a nature would have the mind of Christ in every detail of their lives. Both outside of the church and inside, in the conduct of church business. There would be perfect agreement in all spiritual affairs. Second, he insisted that they be of one mind. Phil. 1:27 That would be an example of those who have the mind of Christ. They were to strive together for the faith of the gospel as their goal. The Word was their text book the Holy Spirit their teacher. With such a combination they could not fail. Following Bible patterns can only result in success. Everyone wants to be successful in all of their undertakings. For those who believe the Word, the instructions are loud and clear. Be one with the Lord Jesus Christ. Be one with your family. Then, by all means be one With the body of believers. A unity for which Christ earnestly prayed. His prayer will not go unanswered.  

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