Seattle, September 15, 2005. (84)
WHO IS ABLE TO BUILD A HOUSE FOR HIM? Inasmuch as the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. Where is the place of His dwelling?
2 Chron. 2:6 There is no man made structure able to accept Him as its tenant. He is extremely greater than the best and the greatest of all the efforts of men. However, in the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Godhead dwells in its absolute completeness. Note, Col. 2:9 “For in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form.” NIV. The only physical body that may be named as belonging to God, is the body of the Lord Jesus. The evidence of that which pleases the Father is the truth that, “In Him should all fullness dwell.” Col. 1:19 The Lord Jesus is the receptacle, the eternal dwelling place of all that is called Godhead.
THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD. Even in His declaration of His Oneness there is evidence that He is a Unit. The quote is from Deut. 6:4 The key word here is the word one, or in the Hebrew, “echad.” Echad, bears the connotation of one who is united with others, and are in perfect unity and harmony. That is precisely what we find evidenced in the Godhead. One God, who is in such absolute unity with others until it is difficult to determine the difference. Yet, each has their own place and work in fulfilling purpose of the Lord. After having sinned it was necessary That the Lord reject Adam and Eve from the garden lest they become “as one of us.” That is eternal like the Lord Himself, but eternal in a sinful state which would have been a catastrophe. Gen. 3:22.
AN EXAMPLE OF THE WORD ECHAD. At the tower of Babel the people were so bound together in one heart and mind that the Lord said, “the people is ONE [Echad]. Illustrating that one can mean more than the numerical number one. Depending on their ability to unify for a cause. Gen. 11:6 In the creation of the life of the flesh, our blood, He made all nations to be of one blood. Acts 17:26 That certainly is a demonstration of many becoming one. All having the same thing in common. So, while there is diversity in the Godhead there is also this beautiful accord that makes the Lord to be exactly who He is. A Triunity, by nature and by His choice and His alone. Combined and unified in one, in ever aspect of being. Perfectly One, an Echad combined and blended, together in every fiber of the entity called God.