The cloud led Israel. Ex.13:21.> The glory of the Lord was on Mt Sinai, in the cloud. Ex.24:15.> The presence of the Lord was in the cloud as the Lord revealed His name to Moses. Ex. 34:5.> The cloud covered the Tabernacle and had the appearance of fire. Num.9:15.>The cloud of glory filled the Temple. 1 Ki. 8:10.> The cloud is the place of His presence and glory. It is fitting that He will come in the cloud and receive his own into that cloud. Mt. 17:5.> On the Mt.of Transfiguration the bright cloud, the cloud of GLORY covered them and the Father attested to the legitimacy of His Son.
His second coming will take place at the conclusion of all that is recorded in Mt. 24: 1-29 Immediately AFTER the tribulation. v.30> At the sign of the Son of Man as He comes in the clouds of heaven, in great power and glory. The inhabitants of the earth shall mourn as they see Him coming. v.31.> The last trumpet will sound, The elect are gathered from all the earth. This is the order of His Second Coming.
Acts 1:9.11.> As He left (in His accession) They watched Him until the cloud fully enveloped Him and they could SEE Him no longer. Two men dressed in white witnessed to them of the coming again of this same Jesus coming in like manner. In clouds and visible to all the inhabitants of the earth Rev.1:7.> Coming in the clouds not only will he be visible to every living person but also to those in hell, they also which pierced him. His coming cannot be in secret but highly visibly to all the inhabitants of the universe.
1 Thes.4:16.> The dead in Christ will be resurrected first at His COMIING. v.17.> Then the living will be caught up meet together in the Cloud of His COMING. This event will be the result of the Trumpet sounding, v.15. and the descending of the LORD, himself. He will not come until the last trumpet is sounded. Not until the shout of his coming is heard, the voice of the archangel, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rev.14:14.> It is Harvest Time. The Son of man, enthroned on a white cloud, crowned with righteousness, a golden crown and having in his hand the implement of harvest is prepared for an ingathering. v.15 > For the time is come. That day has been set and determined by God. The harvest is soon. Rev.10:6> He will declare that time will be no longer.Rev.10:1 >Not only does he sit on a cloud but he is clothed with a cloud. Crowned with the rainbow. His face shining like the sun, his feet as pillars of fire. He is the cloud of the glory of the living God. He is the cloud of the glory of the living God.:END:wk: