A GOOD REASON FOR SELF EXAMINATION. Outside of the Lord himself, who is to better know the condition of ones spiritual life than the individual themselves. The call issued by Paul is for an honest and most through testing and proving of ourselves as to whether or not we are in the faith. How do we measure up to the teachings of the Word? Where do we stand spiritually? If the Lord Jesus is not dwelling within our heart, soul and spirit, then we are rejected as being totally unproved and having come far short of the standard established by the Lord Jesus. 2 Cor. 13:5
FACING THE DAY OF HIS COMING. These are days which have been given us, of the Lord, that we might prepare for the great and wonderful events that are in our future. We must take every advantage afforded us to follow the Word and be fully prepared for the future. This is a time to achieve those things which are excellent. The Lord does not have a good, better and best. What He has is excellence, better than the best. That which is above superior. In other words that which is not of this world but is spiritual and heavenly. We are therefore urged to acknowledge that which is superior and to seek after it until we obtain it. Phil. 1:10 Please note two elements which are necessary in our spiritual life as we draw closer to the end of the age. The first characteristic which he mentions is sincerity. That is, honesty and trustworthiness. Strong translated sincere as being tested by sunlight. That which is brought out into the sunlight is thoroughly exposed and tested by light. An excellent meaning and test for those who would be sincere. The next thought he presented is that of being without offense. Being without sin or anything that offends the holiness of the Lord. It is possible, if Christ is indeed dwelling within us. He provides the ability to live above the standards of the world or of a lukewarm church. Nothing, absolutely nothing where the WORD challenges us is unobtainable. All things are possible with the Lord.
AS WITH JESUS. The works which He wrought were the result of the leading and example of His Father. The works of the Lord Jesus were the results of perfect unity and harmony between He and His Father. John 14:10 We are assured that the same Divine power and Spirit will abide in us. John 14:23 In this manner the same works demonstrated by the Lord Jesus should and must be demonstrated by a church fully consecrated to Him. What a mighty, mighty challenge. The works that I do shall he do. John 14:12 When we have achieved this ability, then we can go on to greater works. When it is God which worketh in you, There is no limitation to the frequency and the power of the display of miracles. That the climax of the church age will be with tremendous signs and wonders there is no question. But it requires a church which has gained perfection and has that perfect unity and oneness with the Lord. Doing His good pleasure. Phil. 2:13