THE INSUFFICIENCY OF THE LAW. The encounter of a young man of some status in the community with the Lord Jesus. Luke states that he is a ruler, a man of rank, a magistrate or perhaps a priest. Luke 18:18 He was of excellent character and one who had kept the Law from the time when he was just a boy. Luke 18:19 He ran up to Jesus and fell on his knees before him. Which would certainly indicate a real desire to further and deepen his spiritual experience. Mark 10:17 He had come to the right source to find the eternal life which he was seeking. However he was seeking it through further good works, which he might do. Jesus looking on him loved him, certainly he saw in him the nature of a disciple. He simply lacked one thing, Oh how close he was to gaining what he sought after. Mark 10:21 Then, Jesus confronted him with the greatest challenge of his life. He gave him works to do, go and sell. His possessions were the core and love of his life. Heavenly possessions were promised him, but he had no spiritual vision. He was possessed of his earthly possessions and riches, which were great. Mt. 19:21 All this in exchange for perfection. Imagine lacking just one element in his spiritual life, the fulfilling of which would result in perfection. Being made complete, reaching maturity or coming to a full age. Which will we choose? Perfection or riches. Many are urging the church today to seek riches. Jesus placed more value on the perfecting of spiritual life, which is everlasting, than on the uncertain riches of this world, which will all perish.
SHOULD WE ANTICIPATE PERFECTION? Or should we continue to be spiritually defunct, insecure and struggling to maintain even a semblance of holiness before the Lord? The responsibility of the ministry is to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. This was the goal of the Apostle Paul and must be the message of every one who declares the gospel. It must be sounded out in the wisdom of the Spirit, by means of preaching and teaching, with a stern, yet loving warning that the Lord requires a life of holiness. Col. 1:28 Prayer was made for the Colosian church that they might have the ability to take a stand and enter into the perfection of the Lord. Knowing and doing the Lords will in everything. Also, for the church at Thessolonica he prayed fervently, both day and night for their perfection and completion in faith. 1 Thess. 3:10 His desire for the church was that they be loosed from the things of this world and be transformed, in their actions, their thinking and most certainly in their spiritual living. Coming to a full comprehension of the perfect will of the Lord. There are not three levels of His will it is all one will, which is good for all who will follow it. It is acceptable to both the Lord, and to those who follow Him. If it is His will then it is perfect and complete. Rom. 12:2 What a blessed place to be in where we recognize the good of His will. Where it becomes acceptable to us, and we enter into His perfection.
iTS TIME TO GROW. Living in the age in which we live, it is high time that we see a maturity among Christians, which up to now has been missing. We are well versed in the principles or foundational doctrines. Now, is that moment of time where we must move on. Not forsaking or casting aside teachings which have provided us with a foundation, but building on them. Heb. 6:1 Let us go on unto perfection. There is a maturity in Christ which can be and must be achieved by every member of the body of Christ. His Bride will not be a weak, puny, malnutritioned gathering of believers. She is destined to be like unto her Lord, in every aspect of His being. She will possess the ability to assimilate and fully digest the depths of the Word of the Lord. She will have grown on the milk of the Word but now is gaining full strength by eating of its meat, capable of discerning between that which is good and evil. Heb. 5:14