THE GOAL OF THE LORD FOR HIS CHURCH, TODAY. The manner in which He will achieve His purpose is well known and most generally accepted by the church as being that of the fivefold ministry. We must never lose sight of the fact that this ministry is a gift to the church. Rather than scrambling around to gain a position, the work, the achievement desired by the Lord must be the aim. The Lord will acquire a perfect church as a bride. The evidence of that perfect church will first of all be its unity of the faith (Greek. pistis — persuasion, assurance, belief ). Sadly, Many of us are not willing to alter doctrinal beliefs which may not have roots in the truth of the Word. Eph. 4:13 The Apostle Paul issued a plea to the church of that day that there be singleness of speech or preaching among them. His desire being total agreement and accord between them, entirely without division or dissent of any kind. Being PERFECTLY united, flawlessly framed together. Having the same mind, possessing the same thoughts in all Spiritual matters. Attaining the same conclusion. As idealistic as these thoughts may be it must be remembered that they are the expressions of the Lord spoken through His leadership and He will accomplish His goals. 1 Cor. 1:10
WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST. Here is the secret of the unity that He will acquire in His church. 1 Cor. 2:16 We have the Spirit of truth. He whom Jesus said He would send to teach us all things and He it is who would direct us into the truth. John 16:13 The measure of the wisdom and the knowledge of the Lord is limitless through the avenue that is presented to His church in this manner. All that is in the possession of the Father is likewise possessed by the Son. All that belongs to the Son is to be revealed and conveyed to His people by the Holy Spirit. John 16:15 As boundless and unlimited as the Lord is, it is His good pleasure to impart the very being that He is, to His people. Oh, marvelous design and intent.
OF PRIME IMPORTANCE. The true evidence of our love for the Lord Jesus, is that of being obedient to His Word. If we are to have fellowship and companionship with Christ it is of utmost importance that we follow His Word in full obedience. A whole hearted willingness to be submissive to the instruction and the teachings of Jesus is of tremendous benefit, both in this life and will result in life eternal. The person who is obedient is assured of the love of the Father, that person who is love personified. This brings an introduction into our lives of a love that is guaranteed by the Covenant of Christ, everlasting and unchangeable. The ultimate, grand reward is the abiding presence of the Godhead dwelling within the heart and life of that individual. Jesus said, WE (the Triunity of God) will come and make OUR abode or home with him. John 14:23