BEHOLD, HE STANDS AT THE DOOR KNOCKING. Mind you, this is not the door of the sinners heart but the door of the church, the Laodicean church at that. The church which more than any of the others is indicative of the last day church. The church which will be rebuked of the Lord. Chastened by Him and commanded to repent. All this as a sign of His love. Acts of love that are little understood by a generation which has never been corrected in such a manner. His purpose being to lead them to repentance that He might fellowship and feast with His own. Rev. 3:20-21 May we indeed have ears that hear and comprehend the message of the Spirit to us in this hour. Nutritionists say that we are what we eat. There is a constant voice trying to get us to eat right for our health’s sake. Nowhere is this more true than in our spiritual life. There is a lot of junk food available, sensational, sometimes exciting, but the manipulations of men. At the same time there is the very best. That which is contributory to life everlasting, to be factual, eternal life is completely dependent on it. Jesus angered the religious bigots of His day by stating that to have eternal life they would have to eat of the bread of heaven, which was not the manna in the wilderness. Rather it was that bread which came down from heaven, or He, Himself. His flesh was the bread of eternal life. They fully and completely understood His meaning. They immediately began to question and argue among themselves as to how this man could give them His flesh to eat. The bread and wine of communion is more than a symbol. A symbol is copy and not the real thing. Jesus is about to reveal a tremendous truth to the people of that day and to all generations that were to follow. John 6:51-52