THE PEOPLE CALLED TO GLORY AND VIRTUE. The call of the Spirit of the Lord to participate in His high calling is to partake with Him, in His glory and virtue. His aim is to share fully of Himself with His Called. 2 Pet. 1:3 His Called are identifiable by their resemblance to Him, in their spiritual and natural conduct. They will exemplify His nature and have great desire to be like the Lord. 1 Pet. 1:15-16 His calling is extended to all nations. He knows no restrictions of race. Where we are nationalistic, even tribal in our attitude, His arms are open to both Jew and Gentile. Christ died for all. His love knows no racial boundaries. Rom. 9:24 He is the perfect < role model >. He established a pattern for all to follow that they might show by example, by walking in His footsteps, the newness of life that is ours in Christ Jesus. 1 Pet. 2:21 Belonging to the elite who have responded to the call of the Lord does not eliminate us from testing, trials, perplexities and problems. The Apostles who have gone before us all went through times of great trials and difficulties. The benefit of such situations far outweigh any mental or physical pain that may be endured. It is under trying circumstances that the God of ALL GRACE becomes much better known to us. The brief measure or time of our suffering will result in, our perfection, our becoming established, the manifestation of our strength (derived from Him), and become rooted and grounded in Him. 1 Pet. 5:10 Every experience in life has a benefit to those who follow the Lord. We know that all things work together for good, to those who love the Lord and are the called according to His Purpose. Rom. 8:28
PATTERNED AFTER THE PRESENT AGE? The call of the Word of the Lord to the church is that she might forsake the form of unrighteous life lived by the world. Christ gave Himself that His church might be rescued, released from the present style of sinful life lived by the world. Gal.1:4 We need not conduct ourselves in a manner which is modeled after worldly examples. One of the victories of the Christian life is the certainty that there is a new life to be found in the Lord Jesus. We are granted freedom from the powers of sin. That which dominates those who shape their lives according to that which is practiced by the current age. Be free, live in liberty, be not conformed to the sinful practices of those who live for this life and this life alone. Rom. 12:2 Just how strong are the feelings of the Lord concerning one who would follow the pattern of sin practiced this present age? Here is a clue. One who would seek for friendship with the world has declared himself to be the enemy of the Lord. That is strong language but it is the truth of God. James 4:4 Through the life giving, exceeding great, and wonderfully precious promises of the Word we are led into a vastly different life style. We have escaped from the corruption which dominates the manner and fashion of the present generation. Having found in the Lord Jesus Christ an avenue whereby we are welcomed to become partakers of the DIVINE NATURE. That is, for Christ to take up His rightful dwelling place in our spirit and produce in us that NEW LIFE. The very life of Christ Himself. 2 Pet. 1:4
CALLED TO EXPERIENCE A METAMORPHOSES. A complete and drastic change. Transformed, altered, made to be a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things deserted and left behind as an empty cocoon. With no thought of returning to retrieve it. A process of purification and sanctification which is at work in the heart of the believer. Rom. 12:2 The divine purpose of the Lord is that He might have a people who have a perfect, identical likeness to Himself. The same power, the same glory, the same righteousness. Identified with Christ in all that He experienced and manifest in His life. From His sufferings, to His exaltation to the throne of the Lord and glorification in the eternal kingdom of the Lord. His Bride will bear His likeness in every aspect. What He is, she will be. Her transformation is to be complete and absolute. Changed into the very same image, by the constant revelation and working of the glory of the Lord, in her. 2 Cor. 3:18 Vital to the change that must be created in the people of His church is an open heart and a commitment to do His will. We must be able to see what He is offering us, and have the desire and willingness to submit to the Word and the Spirit, that we might receive His offer. The splendor of the latter day church will supersede the concentrated glory of the church up to and until our time. The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. Of that we may be greatly certain. All other temples, tabernacles have been but examples. Now, in these last days the Lord is building His true, eternal temple. Hag. 2:9