A PRICE TO BE PAID FOR PERFECTION. While we may not like to suffer and would perhaps rather seek a doctrine that would teach us that there is no suffering for Christians, let us face the fact of the matter. To suffer for the Gospel and for Christ is something that is allotted of the Lord, we are destined to suffer for Him. Phil. 1:29 We like the idea of sharing as heirs, and joint heirs with Him, all the good things of eternity. The idea of being glorified with Him, of being recipients of that beautiful and eternal glory is greatly pleasing. There is another factor stated in the Word which we must consider and that makes these things conditional. The condition being the subject now being considered, If we suffer with Him. Not a pleasant thought, but an experience in life which is some times necessary for us to learn a much needed lesson. Rom. 8:17
A TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST VITAL TO THE CHURCH. Grace, mercy and peace are to be received by those who have a full knowledge, an insight that is deep and extensive, into the very being of the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not sufficient to have an intellectual knowledge of Him. We must allow the Spirit and the Word to permit Him to become a living portion of our life. The very reason for living is Christ. He daily, reveals Himself more completely in our lives. 1 Pet. 1:2 The source of all good things is the glorious and marvelous divine power whereby He daily loads us with benefits. Much greater than the physical, natural necessities are the even more necessary Spiritual blessings that encourage us to draw nigh unto Him. 2 Pet. 1:3
HE HAS MADE COVENANT PROMISES. Promises which can never be altered or broken. Because He is God, He has sworn by Himself, for there is none greater. These promises are < exceeding great >, they give assurance to mankind of the very most important thing in life, and that is eternal life. The privilege of becoming a participant of the divine nature of God Himself. The sharing of His Spiritual fullness, being and character. His eternity will be filled with those who have been privileged to conform to His likeness. 2 Pet. 1:4 Even now that transformation is being brought about in the life of His very own. Change is inevitable, for the Lord has a high and holy goal to which He will lead His church. She will bear His likeness in every aspect of her existence. She will be filled with His eternal glory and will forever show forth the glory of the eternal. 2 Cor. 3:8