Rev.C.Joe McKnight

MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME.  Ps. 22:1 Then hear again at the cross. Mt. 27:46 The desolation, pathos and sorrow of that cry is like none other. Only from the mouth of the Lord Jesus could such an utterance be heard. Eternally the Word and the Father had been one. A unity that could only exist between the persons of the Godhead. Now, at Calvary, the Father who could not look upon sin must turn away and separate himself from His only begotten SON. There are not enough words in the languages of the world to express the agony, the suffering and extreme pain that was felt by both parties at that moment. Torn apart, emptied of a fellowship and companionship that had always been. 

The Church

Rev. C.Joe McKnight

June 25 – August 28, 2002

THE EKKLESIA, A HIGH CALLING. Jesus said; I will build my church. He is the architect and the builder. The process is continuing, even today. The church, His building will soon be completed. Mt. 16:18 He addressed His words to Peter {Gr. Petros, a detached stone. one that might easily be thrown or removed}. Jesus gave him the name, Cephas {An Aramaic word} with the same meaning. A stone. John 1:42 It was not the intent of the Lord Jesus to appoint Peter as the foundation or the foundation stone of the church. He well knew the strengths and weaknesses of Peter. He understood that Peter under pressure would deny Him. He likewise knew that Peter would become a man of strength and courage. 

Christ In His Church

Rev.C.J McKnight

March 03 – May  30, 2003 A CERTAIN DESIRE EXPRESSED IN HIS PRAYER. The prayer that He prayed is found in the Gospel of John, chapter seventeen. It is a beautiful prayer and is greatly guided in the direction of the satisfaction of His desire toward His church, His people. The theme that we wish to consider in His prayer is His strong desire for a deep spiritual relationship with those who are His. Both, those who were the initial followers of the Lord Jesus and also those who were to become converts, through the preaching of the Word. John 17:20 We may always be assured that He has prayed for us and still is our intercessor before the throne of His Father. In His ministry as the great and only high priest, He represents us before the throne of justice when we come seeking salvation. Heb. 7:25 He is our sacrifice and advocate, the only one who can make intercession for us in the presence of the judge of the whole earth. Rom. 8:34 


Rev. C.Joe McKnight

June 3, 2003 (1-2) SIGNS AND SYMBOLS USE BY THE LORD. Of all that the Lord uses in the Word, there is none more significant to the Church of today than these used in Revelation Chapter twelve. All three significant symbols are objects of beauty and wonder, as is the woman herself. She is not only clothed with the beauty of the Lord, she is the most beautiful of all of His creation. This woman is the Bride of Christ. Rev. 12:1 The bride belongs to the bridegroom. She is totally His. Their love is full and complete. A love that cannot exist outside of the Lord. John 3:29 The church teaches that there will be a marriage in the end of the age between Christ and His church. It is time that we begin to identify her and prepare ourselves to be a part of that glorious organism. Some will not understand this statement, but, far more important than the Second Coming of Christ is the Marriage of the Lamb. The marriage is the next great event on the calendar of the Lord. Are you ready? The Bride will have made herself ready. Too many have only an indifferent understanding of the plan of the Lord for His church. Rev. 19:7


Rev.C.Joe McKnight

You have an appointment with the living God. He loves you and has called you unto Himself. He has designated you to be a saint.” Rom.1:7. The word saint (hagios) comes from the word (hagos – an awesome thing ). To be a true saint of the Lord is a high and glorious calling. The Lord is making a people out of the people who were not His people. They are called the children of the living God. Rom. 9:26. We are called into a very special fellowship of communion and communication with Jesus Christ. What a joy and privilege to know that we are included among the beloved. 


Rev.C.J McKnight

I. The teachings of Jesus pertaining to His Second Coming. Mt. 24: 

A. The inquiry of his disciples, in private. v. 3 

1. What is the sign of your coming and the end of the age? 

a. DECEPTION! Watch that you are not deceived. v. 4 

b. MANY shall come in my name. v. 5 MANY deceived! (1). Saying:- ” I am Christ.” 

c. Accomplished through ‘false prophets.’ Mt. 24:11 MANY deceived. 

d. A twofold attack used: – FALSE CHRIST’S and FALSE PROPHETS. Mt. 24:24 

Second Coming Signs

By.Rev.C.J.McKnight, Seattle


Jesus said there would be signs prior to His second coming. He will not leave the world without an evidence that His time is close. Hear His statement, ” And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, AND UPON EARTH DISTRESS OF NATIONS, WITH PERPLEXITY, THE SEA AND THE WAVES ROARING. Luke 21:25 We have not yet seen the celestial, that is yet to come. However, we have suddenly become too well acquainted with the signs found in the ocean.

God Is

Rev.Clyde Joe McKnight

Seattle, May 23, 2005. (1)

SEEING THE INVISIBLE. The Lord, who is the true God, while not seen, is made visible in many ways. The scripture states that, the invisible things of Him are clearly seen. Rom. 1:20 Now that sounds like a conundrum. Or could be considered to be contradictory. How can we possible see that which is invisible? We understand them by the things which He has created. Even finding in them an understanding of the very makeup and likeness of the Godhead. Incidentally, in the same verse where that statement is made, the declaration of the creation of the Lord leaves men with nothing whereby they can deny His existence. 

The Law

Rev.C.J McKnight

Dec.06, 2008.

1.The law of the land is used to establish an orderly conduct of life and association among the citizens of the country. The law is good inasmuch as it seeks to accomplish a life of peace among the people. Without law anarchy would reign. There is a law of the spirit of life to be found in the Lord Jesus which supersedes all law, in everything that is good. It will develop a code of righteous living for the present which becomes the key to eternal life.