
JESUS SCOURGED. There was no justice to be found in Pilates court of justice on this day. The man who had proclaimed Jesus to be faultless, innocent and one who had not broken the Law, now ordered that He be beaten or flogged. This was an illegal act on the part of Pilate and he knew it. This was simply an attempt to appease and quit those who were demanding that Jesus be condemned to death. Jn.19:1 In that day they incorporated into their whips stones and fragments of bone which would tear the flesh. The back of Jesus must have appeared as a plowed field according to Ps. 129:3 Each blow He received purchased healing for us. For by His stripes we are healed. Isa. 53:5 1Pet. 2:24 Forty was the full number allowed by the law. Forty is the number of consecration. The dedication of Jesus was more than abundant to satisfy the demands of a Holy and Just God for healing and salvation. Who forgiveth ALL our iniquities, who healeth ALL our diseases. Ps. 103:3 Jesus paid the full price of our salvation and healing.

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